Welcome to H.I.L.L. Academy, your road to becoming a Happy Independent Lifelong Learner. If you want to be awesome and have an amazing life then you’ve come to the right place. At HILL Academy we curate resources that will help you become the best learner you can be. Everyone can climb the HILL… hills are so much more doable than huge mountains. And as we climb together we develop learning muscles that make the rest of life easier.

This website is currently an “extra credit” assignment that I (the teacher) am undertaking as a result of my conversations with students at Southern Utah University. We’ve discussed which classes they wish they had been able to take in high school or college, and we have collectively come up with the following list of five classes:

If you are one of my current (or former) students, I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on which of these classes you would most like to take, and what topics should be included. Please feel free to message me at any time with your ideas or feedback on the site.